Serverfluent is a service that automatically sets up and provisions your servers and prepares them for application deployments. It is also an automatic deployment solution that deploys your applications whenever you push your changes to your git repository.
# Supported server providers and operating systems
Serverfluent provisioning process is server provider agnostic. You only need to have a root ssh access to your server in order to provision it via Serverfluent. We do support the following service providers out of the box via official APIs:
- DigitalOcean via API keys
Currently Serverfluent can provision servers with the following operating systems:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
- Debian 11 (Bullseye) - support is coming soon
- Debian 12 (Bookworm) - support is coming soon
Other Debian based operating systems might work but it’s not guaranteed and might lead to incorrectly provisioned servers or some important packages missing.
# Supported languages and frameworks
You can currently deploy Laravel applications on servers provisioned with Serverfluent.
We are planning to support other langauges and frameworks in the very near future:
- Frameworkless PHP applications
- Symfony
- Node.js/Typescript applications
# Supported git providers
Currently we support GitHub. Gitlab and Bitbucket support is planned.